Build Portraits
Over the past year I’ve had the pleasure of working with some amazing people at Build Studios. Heres some of my portraits from the past year.
Continue Reading →Over the past year I’ve had the pleasure of working with some amazing people at Build Studios. Heres some of my portraits from the past year.
Continue Reading →The king of Snapchat, DJ Khaled, is visiting Music Choice today. A Hip Hop DJ that has found himself on top of the snapchat world. I shot him a few months back when he won an award at the Shorty Awards. Khaled arrives at music choice about an hour late, and is then seen for…
Continue Reading →Got a chance to do some quick portraits with Japanese metal band Babymetal at the Music Choice studios. Su-metal, Yuimetal, and Moametal were sure to let me know that Metallica was their fav metal band. Good luck with your upcoming shows girls! – check out the set here –
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